how? to make this teamdeatchmatch scoreboard with spr sorry for asking im a newbie im just learning script code im self study this is my start pls... help!!! like this
this is sample of normal scoreboard how to make a team deathmatch with spr?
#include <amxmodx> #include <cstrike>
#include <metahook>
new g_score_t, g_score_ct
public plugin_init() { register_event("TeamScore", "team_score", "a") set_task(1.0, "show_score", _, _, _, "b") } public team_score() { new team[32] read_data(1, team, 31) if (equal(team, "CT")) { g_score_ct = read_data(2) } else if (equal(team, "TERRORIST")) { g_score_t = read_data(2) } } public show_score() { for (new id = 1; id <= get_maxplayers();id++) { if (!is_user_connected(id) || is_user_bot(id) || !MH_IsMetaHookPlayer(id)) continue;
MH_DrawScoreBoard(id, "ScoreboardNomarl", g_score_t, g_score_t+g_score_ct, g_score_ct, GetTotalPlayer(1), GetTotalPlayer(2), 1) } } GetTotalPlayer(team) { static total, id total = 0
for (id = 1; id <= get_maxplayers(); id++) { if (is_user_alive(id)) { if ( team == 1 && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_T || team == 2 && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT) total++ } }
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