Title: "Eighar, Master of Recolour in CSF" by DavidJr
Clan: Member
Experience: 389
Status: Offline
lumayan gan!
The user of skyfire account is double: Skyfire and Eighar Add me on Facebook: Account user 1 SkyFire My friend who is also use this account: Account user 2 Eighar Maulana -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR NEWBIE! Read this article
Date: Saturday, 31 March 12, 11:53 AM | Message # 5
Lt. Colonel
Clan: Member
Experience: 166
Status: Offline
nih saya retexture tulisannya
lumayan gan!
Remember!!! All Your Skins and Your any mod is Safety just on My Own I Never share Your Skins or Anything about your mod, I Never said Your Skins is Mine and I Never share what I make!!! I just want to say Thank's to make a better skins for my Mod and Never think i'm a Leecher!!! My mod is Personal only and based by you guys :D Without you Guys, I'm Nothing... Done! Thank's CSF
Don't say me a Leecher
Or I wanna Find You [img]http://i644.photobucket.com/albums/uu166/4X3L/Animated%20Gifs/Sparta-Webcam.gif[/img]
Added (2012 April 03, 11:43:31) --------------------------------------------- eh tuh kurang lengkap creditnya...... tuh gw yang HM eh malah di leech......