Counter Strike Point Blank 2014

Q = Question
A = Answer

Q: cstrike.exe is not responding because a failure of screen changing or video changing.
A1: Download CSPB Configuration to fix it.
A2: Open regedit.exe from start menu, find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve. Delete Valve folder.

Q: There's error when opening CSPointBlank.exe and cannot create the room.
A: Do not open CSPointBlank.exe, open cstrike.exe.

Q: The application has failed to start because MSVCR100.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
A: Download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and install it. X86 (32 Bit) X64 (64 Bit)

Q: CSPB 2014 is still crashed after installing ABS patch, what should I do?
A: Open cstrike\user_settings.cfg using notepad then delete cspb_choose_player and cspb_team line.

Q: How to add new weapons?
A: Go to here.

Q: How do I change the mode?
A1: Rename the configuration file in cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs (plugins- prefix means active and disabled- prefix means non-active)
A2: Use CSPB 2014 Mini Launcher . (Recommended)

Q: How do I set the health?
A: Open console and type cspb_health x (change x with number) [0 = plus 0, 1 = plus 20, 2 = plus 32]

If you find new bugs or have solution for any bug, please contact us so we can update this page. You can contact us here:

Q: cstrike.exe is not responding karena kesalahan penggantian resolusi atau video.
A1: Download CSPB Configuration untuk memperbaikinya.
A2: Jalankan regedit.exe lalu cari HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve. Hapus folder Valve.

Q: Ada error ketika membuka CSPointBlank.exe dan tidak dapat membuat room.
A: Jangan buka CSPointBlank.exe, buka cstrike.exe saja.

Q: The application has failed to start because MSVCR100.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
A: Download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable​ dan install. X86 (32 Bit) X64 (64 Bit)

Q: CSPB 2014 masih crash setelah dinstall patch ABS.
A: Buka cstrike\user_settings.cfg dengan notepad lalu hapus baris cspb_choose_player dan cspb_team

Q: Bagaimana cara menambah weapon baru?
A: Cek disini.

Q: Bagaimana cara mengganti mode?
A1: Rename file konfigurasi di cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs (awala plugins- berarti mode aktif and disabled- berarti mode tidak aktif)
A2: Use CSPB 2014 Mini Launcher . (Recommended)

Q: Bagaimana saya menambah darah?
A: Buka konsol dan ketik cspb_health x (ubah x dengan angka) [0 = plus 0, 1 = plus 20, 2 = plus 32]

Jika kamu menemuka bug baru atau mempunyai solusi untuk sebuah bug, tolong hubungi kami jadi kami dapat memperbaharui halaman ini. Kamu bisa menghubungi kami disini:

Contributors: Duonet, DavidJr, Abraut