Credits : Famas G2 Commando Garena Zepetto - Original Models, Texture Famas G2 and Eotech Valve - Original Hand final model Skript47 - Convert from Point Blank Fajar Abhirawa - All Animation's and Famas G2 Commando Models KeenHide - Texture hand final CSO FEAR - Model Sight NST PB Tegarhilmi - Recolour Texture, Hack Models (change Eotech & fix UV Maps) Special thanks to CSRevolution Team (For P and W Models)
Colt Phyton Garena Zepetto - Original Models, Texture, Sound Colt Phyton Valve - For Hands Final Syahrul Ramdhan - anims, set bone KeenHide - For Texture Hands Final CSO Tegarhilmi - Recolour Texture, change $origin weapons
Special thanks to CSPB Open Beta Team (For P and W Models)
Spas-15 Garena Zepetto - Original Models, Texture,sound Skript47 - Convert from Point Blank Valve & NEXON Korea - Hands CSO Balistic - Animation, set bone, add sound Tegarhilmi - Recolour Texture *Sorry for missing credits Special thanks to CSRevolution Team (For P and W Models)
Spas-15 MSC Garena Zepetto - Texture SPAS-15, Addons, and Rail MSC Valve & NEXON Korea - Hands CSO Balistic - Anims idle & shoot, set bone hands, and set sound of SPAS-15 MSC Danang - Anims reload & draw FEAR - Acog Sight PB NST_WPN Tegarhilmi - Recolour Texture Special thanks to CSRevolution Team (For P and W Models) [ Script NST_WPN ] Famas G2 Commando Garena